
What diagnosis has been given to this client describe any

Case Reports (3 pages each, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, 1" margins, numbered responses; no references, introduction, or conclusion required): you will choose two clinical case videos of disorders which are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.

The videos are at:

Faces of Abnormal psychology interactive

1. Select a diagnosis from the choices; videos are on the interview tab.

Read through the questions below before watching the interview to know the type of information you will need.

Watch the interview and take notes to facilitate your writing of the report. answer the following 10 questions based on the video:

A. What diagnosis has been given to this client?

B. Briefly outline the client's background (e.g., age, race, occupation)

C. Describe any factors in the client's background that may predispose him or her to the disorder.

D. Describe any symptoms that support the diagnosis (you may include direct quotes and/or information about observed behaviors in addition to information based on the client's report).

E. Describe any symptoms or observations that are inconsistent with the diagnosis.

F. Describe any information about how the disorder developed over time.

G. Is there evidence of any other issues that might be contributing to the disorder (e.g., medical, life stress)? If so, please describe. If not, describe other issues that can contribute to the disorder.

H. Describe the type(s) of intervention that seems most appropriate for this case.

I. What are some appropriate short- and long-term goals for the intervention? (List at least two of each type of goal).

J. What remaining questions and/or comments do you have about the case?

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Dissertation: What diagnosis has been given to this client describe any
Reference No:- TGS02560324

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