What determines the sex of a baby


Answer the following questions

What determines the sex of a baby?

How is the APGAR score interpreted?

Include a minimum of one citation per paragraph and include references at the bottom of the assignment. APA format

The first paragraph should be a response to the first prompt (question that you need to answer). A paragraph is a minimum of three sentences. Because this is a college-level psychology course, students are expected to cite their sources such as this (Mata, 2021). If you are quoting an article or webpage, the citation should also include the page, paragraph, or slide number such as this (Mata, 2021, slide 7).

The second paragraph should be a response to the second prompt. Sometimes, you may want to quote a video. A quoted video would be cited with the time stamp (Mata, 2021, 3:42). The period goes after the citation and not in front. Please review the previous two citations.
Most importantly, your answers should be well though out. It is also important to link your answer to the text readings, one of the videos, or one of the power points. If you are citing a paragraph and you are not quoting, the citation would include the author's last name and the date. Sometimes, and organization is the author, and it would be cited this way (The American Medical Association, 2018). If you quote a website, include the paragraph (Rice University, 2018, para. 6).

References are always listed at the bottom of the assignment. Here are a few examples.


Overstreet, L. (2019). Psyc 200 lifespan psychology. Open Course Library.

Lushi, K. (2016, July 3). Albatross culture 1 [Video]. Streaming Service such as YouTube or Rumble. URL address

American Medical Association. (2021). How to heal an exterior wound. URL address

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Biology: What determines the sex of a baby
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