
What demographic groups will your political party reach out

Directions. In a 4-5 page Microsoft Word document, include the following:Name your political party and evaluate why you have chosen that name.Create a symbol for your political party and explain why you have chosen that symbol.Create a slogan for your political party and justify why you have chosen that slogan.Develop a platform for your political party. A platform is a written outline and explanation of what your party believes in and why. Your party can be a single-issue party, an ideological party, a splinter party, or a regular broad based political party. Your platform must have at least four positions under the following topics. Summarize each platform position.Social IssuesDomestic IssuesForeign PolicyDesign a brochure or one-page flyer for your political party that you would hand out to voters to introduce and explain your party. In this flyer you want to include the essentials of what your party stands for, points of your platform, and the benefits of joining your party.Project what demographic groups would vote for your political party and why. What demographic groups will your political party reach out to and seek support from?Predict what regions of the country will support your political party and why? Or, what regions of country will your party win? Justify your claims.Compare the areas of support with those of other political parties. What main idea or belief is your political party based upon? Why? For example, in the 2008 election, the Democrats focused a lot on the economy and the war in Iraq.Some links that may help you understand and assess current political parties, which in turn may help you to create your political party.The Democratic Party Web site https://www.democrats.org/Republican National Committee https://www.rnc.orgPolitics 1 https://www.politics1.com/ (directory of U.S. political parties)

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Dissertation: What demographic groups will your political party reach out
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