
What degree was midway a decisive battle

Midway and the Battle of the Atlantic - World War II

Address the following questions:

1. What dilemma faced the Japanese naval general staff in the spring of 1942?

2. How was this dilemma the same or different from what the Allied admirals faced?

3. What was Admiral Yamamoto's plan?

4. What does the Battle of Midway tell you about strategic objectives and capabilities?

5. To what degree was Midway a decisive battle?

6. In the Battle of the Atlantic reading, what is the author's thesis?

7. Why were the Allies arguably losing the Battle of the Atlantic 1939-1942?

8. What was the relationship of the escort aircraft carrier to the major technological and doctrinal developments that changed the conduct of the Battle of the Atlantic?

9. How did Allied interaction affect the development of effective countermeasures to the  German submarine threat?

10. Compare and contrast the role of the "aircraft carrier" in the Pacific and Atlantic.

11. Compare and contrast the role of the "submarine" in the Pacific and Atlantic.

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History: What degree was midway a decisive battle
Reference No:- TGS01909384

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