What decision would you make to combine commercial objective

Discussion Post

The discussion is about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), focusing on the brief study about Nike (PFA)

Nike pioneered offshore manufacturing by hiring third-party contractors in developing nations to work in its company-owned plants. Among other workers, the contractors hired minors at low pay in" sweatshops." When the news became public in 1996, Nike faced negative public opinion, and then it established a Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Committee to ensure that labor practices were ethical across its supply chain.

After that, Nike was sued for allegedly knowingly making false and misleading statements in denying its direct participation in the abusive labor conditions abroad in manufacturing its products. The case was dismissed for procedural issues by the U.S. Supreme Court. Thereafter, Nike has worked on building its CSR profile through relief efforts and advocating fair wages and employment practices in its outsourced operations.

Thinking about Nike's corporate practices, if you were to start a company that outsourced labor in order to reduce manufacturing costs, what decisions would you make to combine commercial objectives with social goals to improve the impact of corporate social responsibility efforts? How might the two conflicts?

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What decision would you make to combine commercial objective
Reference No:- TGS03166903

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