
What data would prove your original hypothesis true


I. Create original hypothesis that states why all women have wider pelvic openings than men. Your hypothesis needs to be in the form of a testable statement, not a question (e.g., "All crows are black".) In other words, you must be able to prove if your hypothesis is TRUE or FALSE.

II. Think about what data you will need to help you prove your hypothesis. The data that you collect needs to be expressed NUMERICALLY (e.g., measurements or populations, or sample sizes). In the crow example, we had to visit various parks to count the crows. So in that example, we collected data in the form of population sizes.

III. What data would prove your original hypothesis (Question a) true?

IV. What data would provide your original hypothesis (Question a) false?

V. Your new hypothesis has to be a narrowed version of your original hypothesis (e.g., "Only crows living in North America are black." Again, your new hypothesis needs to be in the form of a testable statement, not a question.)

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