Hoosier Burger
As the lead analyst for the Hoosier Burger project, you have worked closely with Bob and Thelma Mellankamp. Having completed the systems analysis phase, you are now ready to begin designing the new Hoosier Burger information system. As the lead analyst on this project, you are responsible for overseeing the development of the forms, reports, and databases required by the new system. Because the inventory system is being automated and a new delivery system is being implemented, the Hoosier Burger system requires the development of several forms and reports. Using your data-flow diagrams and entityrelationship diagrams, you begin the task of identifying all the necessary forms and reports. You readily identify the need for a Delivery Customer Order Form, a Customer Account Balance Form, a Low-in-Stock Report, and a Daily Delivery Summary Report. The Delivery Customer Order Form will capture order details for those customers placing delivery orders. Bob will use the Customer Account Balance Form to look up a customer's current account balance. The Low-in-Stock Report will be generated daily to identify all food items or supplies that are low in stock. The Daily Delivery Summary Report will summarize each day's delivery sales by menu item sold.
a. What data will the Delivery Customer Order Form need to collect? Using the design guidelines presented in the chapter, design the Delivery Customer Order Form. .
b. What data will the Customer Account Balance Form need to show? Using the design guidelines presented, design the Customer Account Balance Form.
c. Using the design guidelines presented, design the Daily Delivery Summary Report.
d. Using the design guidelines presented, design the Low-in-Stock Report.