
What data will measure the goal


When approaching my campaign encouraging people to get the covid 19 vaccination for themselves (or if they are parents to encourage them to vaccinate their children) I will use the SMART goals method when identifying my target audience and possible motivations for them to get the covid 19 vaccination.

1) S (specific)- what will be accomplished? What actions will you take?

a. I will be accomplishing the goal and task of encouraging my target audience to get the covid 19 vaccination for either themselves and/or their children as well. I would also like to motivate them to spread the knowledge and also encourage others to vaccinate themselves and/or their children.

2) M (measurable) -What data will measure the goal? (How much? How well?)

a. I will be using the interview method and furthermore the unscheduled interview method relying on the theoretical foundations theory. I plan on attempting to approach at least 100 interviewees of my target audience. My interview questions will be dig a little deeper on their current information and knowledge that they have of the covid 19 vaccination. This number may be adjusted depending on my resources, time management skills, and access to my neighbors in my community. My access to my neighbors and people in my community will be highly depended on the weather, as if it is snowy, rainy, or very cold my access to the neighbors and people in my community will be greatly diminished. So, this number is just part of my foundation.

3) A (achievable) - Is this goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?

a. I do think that this goal is achievable. I live in the city of Minneapolis and my community (I am sticking mostly to my neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods) seems achievable. I do believe I have the necessary skills and resources in order to accomplish my goals and objectives for my campaign encouraging people to get the covid 19 vaccination for themselves and/or their children. I do think that my only issue that I may come across that could possibly make my goals and objectives for my campaign for covid 19 vaccinations would be the weather. As I mentioned before, this would greatly decrease my access to my neighbors and people in my community.

4) R (relevant) - how does the goal algin with broader goals? Why is the result important?

a. I do think that this goal of starting a campaign to encourage people to get the covid 19 vaccination for themselves and/or their children was a little more relevant in the past couple of years as the progression of Covid 19 has slowed down and a lot of places have relaxed on their covid 19 requirements in order to participate in social events, but covid 19 is still an issue so I suppose it is still relevant. I do still think It is important that people get the covid 19 vaccination.

5) T (time-bound) - what is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?

a. I have about 17 days or so for accomplishing my goal.

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