The associates at new century health clinic approved your recommendations for a new computer system. your next step is to develop a design for the new system, including output and user interface issuses.
Dr. Jones has asked you to create a monthly Claim Status Summary report. He wants you to include the insurance company number, the patient number and name, the procedure code and description, the fee, the date the claim was filed, the amount of the claim, the amount of reimbursement, and the amount remaining unpaid. He wants you to group the data by insurance company number, with subtotals by company and grand totals for each numeric field. When you design the report, make sure to include a mock-up report and a report analysis form. 2. Design the daily appointment list and a monthly statement to make it readable and visually attractive. Include a mock-up report and a report analysis form for each report. 3. Determine the data required for a new patient. Design an input source document that will be used to capture the data and a data entry screen to input the information. 4. What data validation check would the clinic need for the new patient data entry screen? Write a brief memo with your recommendations.