
What data or facts will you use to legitimize your numbers

Complete the project:

Negotiation Preparation and Instructions: The Big Sheet

One of you will be a coat owner whose coat was damaged by the dry cleaners. The other negotiation partner will be the dry cleaning store owner. The two of you will be negotiating what action should be taken regarding the damaged coat.

Coat owner statement: "The coat was in worse condition when I picked it up then when I brought it in. The lining shrunk because of the incompetence of this dry cleaner and now I cannot wear it. It looks awful. I want the cleaner to pay for replacing the coat."

Dry cleaner store owner statement: "I washed the coat the way the instructions said. It is not my fault. The coat has a cheap lining in it. I see this all the time. The manufacturers owe you a new coat or replace this one. You will not get a dime out of me."

Fill out the components of The Big Sheet (Seven Element Preparation Tool).

a. What is your BATNA?

b. What do you think your negotiation partner's BATNA is?

c. List what you think your negotiation partner's interests might be.

d. List what your interests are.

e. What data or facts will you use to legitimize your numbers and expectations?

f. What data or facts do you think your negotiation partner might use to legitimize his or her numbers and expectations?

g. What options are there for meeting each of your listed interests?

h. What options might there be for meeting the interest possibilities you listed for your negotiation partner?

i. What commitments are you willing to consider around each of your interests?

j. How do you want the relationship to be at the end of this negotiation?

k. How do you want to be remembered at the end of this negotiation in regards to your communication?

Now you are ready to share The Big Sheet with your negotiation partner. After reading the entire sheet over, focus only on the Interest element of the sheet.

a. Evaluate how close your negotiation partner came to projecting your interests.

b. Provide feedback to your negotiation partner regarding his or her (projected) list of your

c. Did any on the list match what you listed on your first sheet as your interest?

d. How close or how far apart is this projected list from your list?

e. Share your list with your negotiation partner revealing to him/her your interests. Include in your disclosure, why they are your interests and what you were thinking.

After completing negotiations with your partner, you are required to write another Reflections of Lessons Learned paper. Follow the same format and directions as before.

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Other Subject: What data or facts will you use to legitimize your numbers
Reference No:- TGS01772812

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