
What data collection strategies will you use


Topic: SYPHILIS AMONG MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN in San Francisco/Oakland/Hayward Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).

Community health assessment plan

I. Broad description of the context (culture, disparities, social determinants) that affects the community of interest/target population

II. Specific methods you would use to assess community assets and needs (What process would you implement to understand and identify community assets? To understand community needs?)

III. Identification of key stakeholders (be specific: Whose voices need to be at the table to inform this process?) and rationale for including them (i.e., Why is it important to have them at the table?)

IV. Discussion of how stakeholders will be engaged/play a role in the assessment process

V. What data collection strategies will you use? Describe how you will use mixed methods, both quantitative and qualitative methods and justify your use of each. For example, if you did wish to use a questionnaire, you might clarify what tools and methods you will use, who your sample may be, what data you will collect, and what you would learn from these data.

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Reference No:- TGS03305826

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