
What criticisms and praises did kennan have for the

Essay question

1. Throughout the course of the Cold War unit, we explored how the Cold War was not just a simplified conflict between communism and democracy, but rather a complicated war that had a domestic and international impact on the United States, while also enveloping nations throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia.

In a detailed essay that pulls information from our lectures, readings, movies, and documents--discuss the origins of the Cold War. Also, make sure to discuss the Cold War's key policies (the Marshall Plan and containment), conflicts (Vietnam), and the domestic impact (Third World's impact on American civil rights)

2-3 pages. (Please include the notes I've attached. If you use outside source please cite in CMS.

(class notes below)

Why the US is fearful or the USSR and Soviet Union communism (worldwide communist regime). Soviet Union was committed to spread world-wide, like a virus especially newly independently nations such as Vietnam. Proxy conflict (vietnam and korea). Marshall Plan, US gave money to countries turkey and Greece. US Rebuilding Western Europe wartorn countries after ww2, so they can flourish and have more capitalist nations in the world. So that they don't fall into communism. Capitalism and Communism. US was making sure that they provide loans for industrial growth and they can trade with the US. Strengthen capitalist countries so stop the spread of communism into that countries. The Marshall plan was the most successful. Stop communism by helping countries rebuild. Stationing troop in Japan got Russia into Korea, Vietnam and French then U.S stepped in. Domino effect. If one nation fall to communism, it will make it easier for it to progress.

o Origin of the cold war. ( 1. democracy view of communism, 2. domino theory, 3. capitalism and communism.)

Nuclear arm buildup: MAP- US had atomic in then Russia. If the US launch, the Russia respond. Nuclear triad: ballistic missiles, nuclear submarine and aircraft. Need 1st and 2nd strike capability?

o Marshall Plan and containment.
o Vietnam (why the US felt like it needed to be involve?).
o 1949 - Russia, China
o 1950 -1953 Korea War
o 1954- France left VN - Geniva. Funded money into Vietnam for their own militian. Gulf of Tokin.
o Ho chi minh was a nationalist then turned into communism.
o French treated Indochina, striped land away from farmer and tax them. Decrease prosperity.
o M16, notion that you have people intentional cheated to get their gun in VN
o Orange agent: if you are fighting in a region that is heavily flourish, abundant, fertile, so they wanted to use the orange agent to destroy the, deforest and deprive food and ability to hide. Starve them. Get into the water.
o Domestic impact: Unlike ww2, there was no bromance version of the war in the media. The media became critically criticized of the politic.
o African-America in 1960s, democracy - promote equality, school, restaurant, hospital, arm forces, segregation btw white and black. Racial discrimination. African nations who are newly independent, and looked at how African American are being treated in the US.
o Civil rights: international implication
o Delegates from African nations and encounter discrimination. Got off plane and wasn't allow into the restaurants, had to eat in the plane. Newspaper worldwide reporting the experience of these delegates.
o Making the US look not very creditable.

Short answers - ¾ to 1 page each (answer must be based on the articles)

1.The Nation article "The Lethal Legacy of the Vietnam War" addresses the extant and lethal aftermath of the Vietnam War. Discuss how Agent Orange and unexploded ordinance from the Vietnam War still affect contemporary Vietnam today.


2. Explain how George Kennan originally envisioned how his ideas would be applied and contrast that with how they were applied throughout the Cold War. What criticisms and praises did Kennan have for the applications of containment? the response to this question should be strictly based off the "Containment Revisited" document.

Article: George Black, "The Lethal Legacy of the Vietnam War," The Nation,

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History: What criticisms and praises did kennan have for the
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