
What criminal offenses can be charged and why


Police Commission public meetings are held weekly at Police Headquarters, on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am. They are open to the public. There is a crowd of police protestors who regularly attend to express their displeasure with the police department, pursuant to their 1st Amendment rights.

One meeting was attended by the relative of a young woman who died in police custody. The woman was alone in a cell after being arrested and passed away while in the cell. There was no police use of force incident.

The upset aunt was yelling at the police commissioners and police chief during her public comment. After her time was up, the angry aunt left the speaker podium and approached the Chief of Police. She then reached into her bag and threw an unknown powder on the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police was covered in an unknown substance. The disruption caused the Chief to be surrounded by his security team. Officers assigned to Commission security immediately arrested the aunt, and the remaining police commissioners vacated the meeting room to a safe and secure area.

The remaining meeting agenda was cancelled and the facility was cleared of all spectators.

The ensuing investigation revealed that the unknow substance thrown on the Chief of Police were the ashes of the aunt's dead niece.

What criminal offenses can be charged and WHY? Using the IRAC approach, discuss in detail.

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