Think about a crime or tort you've seen publicized (on TV news, in the newspaper, on the radio, online, etc.) or dramatized (in a book, on a TV show, or in a movie). You can pick something as far-ranging as Hester Prynne's crime in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter or the famous 1992 Piscataway, New Jersey murder and kidnapping of Gail Shollar that set precedent for future cases.
Use your memory or do some online digging to recall details of the incident. What crime or tort was committed? By whom? To whom? What was the outcome? How were you affected by the crime or tort when you saw, heard, or read about it? Were you entertained by a dramatization? Why? Saddened or shocked by something in real life? Reflect on your feelings in regards to the experience both as you originally encountered it as well as now, given your deeper understanding of crimes and torts and how they are classified and punished.