Which of the following is NOT a synonym for some part of Turkish territory?
a. Asia Minor
b. Asia Major
c. Anatolian Peninsula
d. Byzantium
e. Trick question: All of the above describe part of Turkey
The 2025 population pyramid of Turkey would best be described as _____.
a. Developing
b. Growing rapidly
c. A true pyramid shape
d. Declining rapidly
e. Stable to slightly shrinking
Turkey is at the confluence of which three major tectonic plates?
a. Babylonian, Eurasian, European
b. African, Babylonian, European
c. African, Arabian, Eurasian
d. Iranian, African, Babylonian
e. Arabian, African, European
Which is NOT a major difference Turkey has from the surrounding countries?
a. Its ethnicity
b. It is an Islamic republic
c. Its linguistic group
d. It has a capitalist economy
e. Its western-ness
As noted by the Plaid Avenger, the AK Party in Turkey has been widely accused of being what?
a. Too liberal
b. Too corrupt
c. Too militaristic
d. Too religious
e. Too secular
Which is NOT a reason why the Plaid Avenger considers Turkey to be a bridge?
a. It has been a zone of influence between eastern and western religions
b. Physically, it is easy to cross from Europe to Asia and was used as an invasion route
c. It was a battleground for power struggles between Europeans and Russians
d. It has ties to Islam and also to western philosophical ideals
e. Trick question: All of the above are true
According to the Post WWI Territory map, which country was NOT a mandate of Britain?
a. Persia
b. Jordan
c. Yemen
d. Oman
e. Egypt
The Mediterranean Union (MU) is a(n)...
a. Established coalition of countries bordering Europe and the Middle East
b. Suggestion made by former French president Nicolas Sarkozy
c. Investment institution responsible for allocating infrastructure project funds
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
According to the Post WWI Territory map, which country was the "big brother" of Turkey?
a. France
b. Italy
c. Germany
d. Britain
e. Spain
f. Trick question: Turkey was technically independent before World War 1 because it was the core of the independent Ottoman Empire.
If we were to categorize the old Ottoman-style "sultante" in the modern political spectrum, it would be a(n)
a. Oligarchy
b. Theocracy
c. Monarchy
d. Anarchy
e. Democracy
What was the city of Istanbul formerly known as?
a. New Amsterdam
b. Byzantiton
c. I've never heard that They Might Be Giants song....
d. Assyriania
e. Constantinople
Based on the map of Kurdistan in this chapter, which country does not have territory that contributes to Kurdistan?
a. Iran
b. Syria
c. Turkey
d. Lebanon
e. Iraq
Turkey started seriously talking about entering the EU in what year?
a. 1994
b. 1987
c. 1991
d. 1990
e. 1988
The Ottoman Empire's economy was largely based on which of the following?
a. Agricultural exports
b. Continually pillaging for booty
c. Service sector
d. Massive production of Turkish coffee
e. Production of silks and spices
Which of these is NOT a positive aspect of Sub-Saharan Africa?
a. The African Union is looking good
b. It is unspoiled
c. It has tons of natural resources
d. International investment is rolling in
e. It is huge
f. It has huge tourism potential
g. It has predominately primary-product economies
95% of Niger's GDP comes from which of the following?
a. Cocoa
b. Tourism
c. Oil
d. Copper
e. Uranium
f. Diamonds
According to the 2012 UN report on the global AIDS pandemic graphic, the estimated number if people living with AIDS in Mozambique is:
a. 1,600,000
b. 1,700,000
c. 250,000
d. 700,000
e. 1,100,000
According to an inscription on his statue, David Livingston's motivations for 'discovering' and exploring Sub-Saharan Africa were:
a. Camels, Commerce, and Coercion
b. Christianity, Commerce, and Civilization
c. Coercion, Commerce, and Civilization
d. Commerce, Camels, Christianity
e. Christianity, Catholicism, and Camels
The radical group that has gained significant domestic and international notoriety in Nigeria is called what?
a. Hamas
b. Great Eastern Islamic Raiders Front
c. Boko Haram
d. Al-Qaeda
e. Hezbollah
f. Ansar al-Islam
Which of the following leaders still holds the record for longest term in power?
a. Daniel arap Moi
b. Hosni Mubarak
c. Muammar Qaddafi
d. Omar Bongo
e. Jose Eduardo dos Santos
f. Robert Mugabe
What country is NOT considered a main source of conflict diamonds?
a. Liberia
b. Angola
c. Democratic Republic of Congo
d. Sierra Leone
e. Tunisia
According to the "Religions and Missions" map circa 1914, in which African region did Protestant missionaries spend most of their time?
a. Central
b. South
c. West
d. East
e. North