
What could be of ones life when those closest to you are

Reply to a classmate Virginia regarding her post; be sure to offer a new quote or idea to keep the conversation flowing! Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format. Your post must be at least 150 words.

What could be of one's life when those closest to you are the ones most far away? Generations past have shown us how in most periods of history, the ultimate goal for women was marriage and the sharing of one's life with a significant other of an opposite sex. These were the ones with whom we would share every single aspect of our existence.

But although this was a goal, it became a burden. Gaps of understanding between the existence of men and women have always plagued relationships (romantic or not) up to the point of making coexistence unbearable.

"MRS. PETERS (takes the jar, looks about for something to wrap it in; takes the petticoat from the clothes she brought from the other room, very nervously begins winding around the jar. In false voice) My, it's a good thing the men couldn't hear us. Wouldn't they just laugh! Getting all tired up over a little thing like a -dead canary. As if that could have anything to do with-with-wouldn't they laugh!

(The men are heard coming downstairs.)" What a life it would be if everything you said was considered laughable? If one could be condemned guilty only for finding something that might help create a story against one for being a powerless woman who needs a males guidance? But most importantly, what would it be if, in these circumstances, those of our own kind would be reluctant to support us? "MRS. HALE I might have known she needed help! know how things can be for women. I tell you, it's queer, Mrs. Peters. We live close together and we live far apart.

We all go through the same things.­ it's all just a different kind of the same thing." These used to be the realities (and continue to be in many instances) the realities of women in fiction (like this piece) and in real life. These clashes evidence that what we see in this piece is not a mere manifestation of criminal behavior or a rebellion of entitlement, but rather a revelation against confinement and under-appreciation.

An expression of the feelings caused by an array of miscomprehension. I believe that throughout this piece we see relationships upon men and women that fail to value one another and therefore make their peaceful, equal and harmonious coexistence something of dreams -mere illusions. We see relationships affected by miscomprehension resulting in overvalued male attitude and an awakening of female perspectives.

(This is exemplified by the attitudes of the gentlemen in the scene who could only laugh at the idea of the moment of the women on sewing. And to through the attitudes of the ladies who knowing about the inclemency of men and that they risked their own liberty, went about eliminating incriminating evidence against a female like them. A female that to them, was as much a victim as Mr. Wright.)

W.C: 479


Glaspell, Susan. 2017. Trifles. In N. Bayum, W. Franklin P. Gura, J. Klinkowitz & A. Krupat (Eds.) The Norton Anthology of American Literature (pp.750-761), New York, N.Y: W.W Norton & Company Inc.

Reply to classmate Raquel regarding her post; be sure to offer a new quote or idea to keep the conversation flowing! Be sure to quote, cite, and reference from the text(s) using appropriate APA format. Your post must be at least 150 words.

Reading the poem titled, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" by Langston Hughes; I was able to stop and think about what exactly he is trying to say in this poem.

I was trying to figure out how the author tries to treat the idea of racism in America. From what I am comprehending in his poem, is that he is relating racism in America to being ancient. As in it has been around for a very long time, and I honestly didn't even realize it myself. Langston Hughes states, "I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers" (Langston Hughes, 1921,1926 (P. 1037) I then went on to read, "The Man Who Was Almost a Man" by Richard Wright. After reading this story I feel that he treats the idea of racism as, not just by someone's color.

The main character Dave who is seventeen years old was wanting to own a gun; because in his eyes he would be a "man" if he owned a gun. In the story Richard Wright wrote, "Shucks, a man oughta hava little gun aftah he done worked hard all day." (Richard Wright, 1939,1961, (P.1059)

The main character Dave lives at home with his mother and father who will not allow him to own a gun. I feel that Richard Wright is referring to racism by showing that because the main character wasn't a certain age, he was not allowed to buy a gun. Maybe if the main character was older then, maybe his parents would have allowed him to own a gun.


The Negro Speaks of Rivers. Langston Hughes (1921, 1926) (P.1037) The Norton Anthology. American Literature. 1865 to The Present. Robert S. Levine (Shorter Ninth Edition) Volume 2. New York, NY

The Man Who Was Almost a Man. Richard Wright (1939, 1961) (P.1059) The Norton Anthology. American Literature. 1865 to The Present. Robert S. Levine (Shorter Ninth Edition) Volume 2. New York, NY

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