
What could be expected as a result of these fiscal decisions


Question A: Topic: is "The evolution of mobile phones (cell phones)" The first generation of mobile phones was introduced by Motorola 45 years ago.

a) What has happened in those 45 years?
b) Currently, is the number of people using mobile phones higher or lower?
c) In other words, has the use of mobile phones become popular or not?
d) In general, are mobile phones more expensive or cheaper? Why?
e) What are the reasons that have affected the use of mobile phones?
f) What factors mainly determine the production costs of mobile phones?

Question B: Topic: Relief package and economic stimulus against Covid-19 (coronavirus) In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, former President Trump signed the bipartisan "Economic Relief and Stimulus Bill" (Coronavirus stimulus relief bill) to assist tens of millions of households affected by this pandemic. In addition to other measures, within the The plan included direct payments of $1,200 directly to each adult who earns less than $75,000 per year or $150,000 per couple, plus $500 for each child; loans to companies so that they continue paying their workers' compensation; expansion of pension payment coverage of unemployment to workers furloughed due to the corona virus including part-time and self-employed workers; changes in payments to student loans; different accounting rules for retirements; money for the health sector; extension of the term to make tax contributions until the month of June; among many other measures that involve a monetary injection or increase in the The circulation of money in the economy of 2.2 billion dollars (an equivalent to 10% of US GDP!). Subsequently, the current President Biden signed an agreement that reinforced the previous law.

a) What do the Presidents, Congress and the Fed intend to achieve through these measures?

b) From the economic point of view, what could be expected as a result of these fiscal and monetary decisions?

c) What has apparently been achieved so far with the economic stimulus package? Why?

d) What are the risks of this type of expansionary fiscal policy?

Textbook:: Parkin, M. & Loria, E. (2010). Macroeconomía (Novena ed) . ISBN: 9786074428827

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Macroeconomics: What could be expected as a result of these fiscal decisions
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