
What could be done to advance integrity and reputation of

1. Please answer the following questions. Please limit your answers to half-a-page each.

2. What do you mean by ethics and Code of Ethics in Computer Science discipline Why are they important?

3. List the eight Principles in the "Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Software Practice" developed by the IEEE-CS /ACM Joint Task Force. Explain the principle details pertaining to PRODUCT.

4. The principle of PUBLIC interest is central to the Code. What are your responsibilities?

5. Explain the JUDGEMENT Principle. What are your obligations?

6. What could be done to advance integrity and reputation of the software profession?

7. What are the obligations of a programmer/software engineer for CLIENT and EMPLOYER?

8. Describe the appropriate principles of code of ethics for the following situations:

• Spamming, Hacking, Wiretapping
• Downloading music, video etc. and use in your websites
• Misuse of employee data/customer data/credit card info
• Working for a defense system where software cannot be fully tested
• Working for hostile countries
• Publishing sensitive algorithms (cryptographic)
• Developing websites that are very similar to the existing ones
• An employer overstating organization/project features for prospective employees.

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Computer Engineering: What could be done to advance integrity and reputation of
Reference No:- TGS01702156

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