What core values would you risk your life

Assignment task:

  • What core values would you risk your life and freedom to defend?
  • Could a nation going to war be appropriate in certain circumstances - or is war never an appropriate response?

This is not a group exercise - post your thoughts, considering the scenarios proposed in the text or any others that are important. Be sure to give reasons for the answer.

Notice that this exercise requires deductive reasoning.  State a position and support it with "top-down" reasoning. Be sure to review the Three Features of Ideological Reasoning. Apply these concepts and create an argument.

Remember that you are using ideological reasoning here. Is your post structured like an ideological argument, beginning with a general idea (opinion, belief, or principle) and moving from these abstractions to their specific applications?

The text warns us that ideological arguments often fail the test of the Truthfulness of the Premises. Have you tested the truth of your premises?

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Other Subject: What core values would you risk your life
Reference No:- TGS03378452

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