What coordinative mechanisms does first community use to

CASE - The New Vice President

Part A

Review Questions

1. At this point, what are your pre-dictions about Jennifer as the interim vice president?

2. What do you predict will be her management/leadership style?

3. What are her strengths? Her wealmesses? What is the basis for your assessment?

Part B

Review Questions

1. What is the major problem facing Jennifer?

2. What would you do if you were in her position?

3. Would a man have the same experience as Jennifer?

4. Are any of your predictions about her management style holding up?

Part C

Review Questions

1. If you. were Jennifer, would you have accepted title job?

2. What would you do as the new, permanent, vice president?

3. Will Jennifer change her management style? If so, in what ways?

4. What are your predictions for the future?

Part D

Review Questions

1. If you were president, what would you do?

2. If you were Jennifer, whar would you do?

CASE - First Community Financial

Developed by Marcus Osborn, RSR Partners

Review Questions

1. What coordinative mechanisms does First Community use to manage the potential conflict between its sales and finance/auditing functions?

2. What qualities should First Community emphasize in hiring new staff to ensure that its functional organizationals tructure will not yield too many problems?

3. What are the key types of information transfer that First Community needs to emphasize, and how is this transmitted throughout the firm?

4. Why might a small finance company have such a simple structure while a larger firm might find this structure inappropriate?

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Business Management: What coordinative mechanisms does first community use to
Reference No:- TGS01233178

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Anonymous user

2/9/2016 12:54:05 AM

In this assignment many cases which are describing The New Vice President. Part A Assessment Questions 1 Show your predictions at this level about Jennifer as the interim vice president? 2. What do you forecast will be her management/leadership style? 3. What are her potentiates? Her weal messes? What is the basis for your measurement? Part B Assessment Questions 1. What is the main difficulty facing Jennifer? 2. What would you do if you were in her place? 3. Would a man have the similar experience as Jennifer? 4. Are any of your calculations about her management style holding up?