What contracts must adhere to the statutes of frauds

Essay Problem

• What contracts must adhere to the Statutes of Frauds? Be very comprehensive and specific in your answer.

• Distinguish the primary differences between UCC-2 and UCC-2A. What is the UCC abbreviation represent?

• Define the Parole Evidence Rule. What does the "four corners" directive state? What exceptions, if any, does the rule allow?

• Describe by legal name all parties to a contract assignment? May all rights be assigned? Are anti-assignment clauses in a contract allowed to prevent assignments?

• Define and distinguish the Covenant, the Condition Precedent Contract and the Condition Subsequent Contract.

• What is the legal definition of Minor Breach and Material Breach? What are the legal ramifications of both? May the non-breaching party rescind the contract with either breach?

• Define compensatory, liquidated and nominal damages. Which provides for the loss of a bargain (financial) of the contract? What are the primary requirements for liquidated damages?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What contracts must adhere to the statutes of frauds
Reference No:- TGS03175539

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