
What continues a well-maintained system in terms of

What continues a well-maintained system, in terms of function utility, and reliability and how does the truely effective SysAdmin ensure sucess? Expound on the qualities and characteristics sited on page 418 of your textbook. which are

  • Runs quickly enough so users do not get fustrated waiting for the system to respond or complete a task.
  • Has enough storage to accommodate users reasonable needs
  • provides a working environment appropraite to wach users abilities and requirements
  • is secure from maliciious and accidential acts altering ists performance or compromiseing the security og the data it holds and exchanges with other systems
  • is backed up regularly with recently backed up fiels being readily available
  • has recent copies of the software that users need to get their jobs done.
  • is easier to administer than a porrly maintained system.


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Computer Engineering: What continues a well-maintained system in terms of
Reference No:- TGS0661033

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