Q1. What did you learn about access to resources from the section titled "What Constitutes Access to Community Services?"
Q2. How did the information presented in the video highlight or expand on what you learned in the reading?
Q3. What sorts of barriers have you experienced in your own life in terms of accessing resources (using the information presented in the reading as a framework for thinking about this)?
Q4. If you have not experienced any barriers, why is that?
Q5. How do people access the services offered by your practicum site? Detail all of the different ways that people might come to the site, virtually or in person, to get support.
Q6. What might be some of the barriers experienced by the individuals who utilize the services, or may want to access the services, offered by your practicum site? (Please approach your Site Supervisor with this question and ask them for examples that they have experienced in their program/agency.)
Q7. What are some ways that your practicum site could improve access to the resources offered there? (Please ask your Site Supervisor their perspective on this question and share that in your response.)
Q8. How does the information presented in these resources and your own experience accessing resources or experiencing barriers, connect to this week's quote:
"In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same." Albert Einstein