
What consideartion a collector need to think for the client


An elderly female patient presents to your laboratory collection for pathology testing of cancer 125 and CEA, her veins are extremely difficult to find.she explain to you that she tought that she was meant to fast for the test so she hasnt had anything to eat or drink for 10 hours, which makes finding the vein harder.you decide to fill the glove with a hot water in an attempt to make the veins become superficial and more accesible .you fill the glove without realizing the glove is almost boiling hot, you fail to tie the knot properly and as you place the glove on the patients arm, the water pours out causing superficail birns to the patient.

i. What are the risk in there?
ii. What consideartion a collector need to think for this kind of client?

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Other Subject: What consideartion a collector need to think for the client
Reference No:- TGS03240273

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