
What connections can you make with that experience and your

The "last word" on Discussion will be -- as is my tradition -- going to you students. Obviously, we have covered much more in the readings and lectures than we have had time to discuss fully. I would like for you to respond in this thread in the following manner. (You may feel free to respond to what others post on this thread; however, I will not . . . thus giving you the last word/s):

1. Considering everything we have covered in the course (lecture material, readings, discussions, my response to the discussions, etc.), what thoughts can you share about your own learning?

2. Considering everything we have covered in the course, what most took your attention, confused you, or excited you?

3. Considering everything we have covered in the course, what questions do you still have?

4. Considering everything we have covered in course, what connections can you make with that experience and your own life?

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Dissertation: What connections can you make with that experience and your
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