What conflicts are revealed in the passing of grandison use

Question: Topic: Our next essay is the critical analysis essay of "The Passing of Grandison" by Charles Chesnutt. The first step in writing a critical analysis essay is to read a piece of literature, and the literature we will read is "The Passing of Grandison". After you read the short story, you will have to answer the questions below. As you read the short story, please go back to your figurative language terms and see if you can identify symbolism, theme, conflict, irony, imagery, and etc. I promise you, you will be using these figurative language terms over and over again. Also, try to read "The Passing of Grandison" at least three times. It is imperative that you understand the theme of this story. But, for now, let's start with assuring that you read the story.

Directions: Read the short story, "The Passing of Grandison" which is located under the tab and answer the following questions. I have also attached a link at the bottom of this page of the short story, "The Passing of Grandison".

Make sure that you type out the questions and answer them in complete sentences. If you do not type out the questions, you will receive an automatic 50. DO NOT answer the questions in one or two sentence comments, have examples from the story that support your answer. Points will be deducted if directions are not followed. Remember, as always your work must be typed, attached, double-spaced, you must use Arial or Times New Roman, 11 or 12 point font size and follow the sample heading that is attached. The questions are below:

1. Who are the protagonist(s) in the short story and explain why the character(s) are the protagonist(s)? Use evidence from the short story to support your answer.

2. Who are the antagonist(s) in the short story and explain why the character(s) are the antagonist(s). Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

3. What conflicts are revealed in "The Passing of Grandison"? Use evidence from the short story to support your answer.

4. List at least three themes that were portrayed within the short story. Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

5. Some of the characters' names were purposely created, explain what each characters' names may have symbolized.

6. Give an example of verbal irony being used by Grandison. Remember, to quote the characters by using quotation marks.

7. Would you consider Dick a static character or a dynamic character? Explain why using example from the story to support your answer.

8. Did the short story end the way you pictured? Explain why or why not?

9. How does the title, "The Passing of Grandison" relate to the ending of the story? Explain.

10. Why do you think the author Charles W. Chestnut created this short story? What do you think his purpose was? Be detailed.

The short story, "The Passing of Grandison" by Charles Chesnutt.

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Dissertation: What conflicts are revealed in the passing of grandison use
Reference No:- TGS02819312

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