What configuration of resources necessary for fast follower

Discussion Post: Marketing Analysis

Part I: Research the internet for a high tech company, for example Apple, Microsoft, or Google or another company of your choice. Prepare a one page paper and Analyze the role of marketing in the high-tech company. Please double space your paper and cite your sources.

Part II: Answer the following questions:

• Is the Tata Nano car (from the opening vignette) a disruptive innovation, as defined later in the chapter? If so, what are the implications for industry incumbents?

• You've been asked to assess the market potential for mobile advertising (advertising over mobile phones, sometimes referred to as the "third screen" for advertising media, coming after TV and computer/Internet advertising). What factors will affect the adoption rate of this media platform by advertisers? To what extent do network externalities have an effect?

• Can a strategic planning system, such as Medtronic's, be a source of competitive advantage? Explain.

• What configuration of resources (i.e., tangible assets, intangible assets, competencies) are necessary for a Fast Follower, such as Microsoft, to be successful?

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: What configuration of resources necessary for fast follower
Reference No:- TGS03199147

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