
What conditions lead the company to implement to the

Complete a 10 page (minimum) double-spaced paper as follows:

Select an Operations Management topic. Relate this topic to an existing company. For example, Total Quality Management at Toyota – JIT at Ford – Supply chain Management at Home Depot, Inventory Control at Wal-Mart, Forecasting at a local bakery, 6-Sigma at GE, etc.

This is a research project and it is expected that each paper addresses the following:

Company background.

How large (sales, employees).

Product or service mix.

Who is the competition. ( max 2 pages)

What conditions lead the company to implement to the selected topic.

When did the company implement the Operations Management tool.

Document results of the implementation of the Operations Management tool. Profit/productivity improvement etc. ( one page of supporting graphs or charts is allowed)

Future of the company. How has the success of the implementation affected the plans of the company going forward.


Company background – must include sales and employment data. Products or services provided. Size vs. major competition.  

Conditions that lead to selection of Operations Management tool. What were the conditions in the company that lead to the decision to select and implement the management tool?

When did the company implement the management tool?  

What were the results of implementation - Document cost savings, productivity improvement, workforce reduction etc.?

Future of the company – What has the successful implementation allowed the company to do? Expand, take market share, offer a new line of products etc.

Project presentation - grammar, spelling, neatness (think of this as giving a report to your boss at work)

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Operation Management: What conditions lead the company to implement to the
Reference No:- TGS01506821

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