What conclusions from your analysis led you to believe


Help make a partial report on the "CABALONGA S. A.: SEEKING SUSTAINABILITY AND SELFSUFFICIENCY" case study.

A partial case report has the following 4 key areas:

I. Definition of Success & II. Critical Issues (approximately 2-3)
(Should be no more than 100 words)

Here you outline what the organization is trying to achieve (Using the "SMART" goal technique for Decision of Success) and then list the critical problems that are preventing them from achieving this success and/or the critical opportunities that, if properly leveraged, will help them achieve this desired success. This section of the report should be very brief and follow a format such as...

In order to (insert your SMART definition of what it means for this organization to succeed) they need to address the following:

i. (insert critical problem or opportunity #1) in order to avoid/prevent/manage etc. (insert consequence of action or inaction)
ii. (insert critical problem or opportunity #2) in order to avoid/prevent/manage etc. (insert consequence of action or inaction)
iii. etc...

NOTE: There is no need to provide background of the case. Include 2-5 critical issues that must be resolved within the next two years to survive/thrive. Keep in mind that:

i. Issues are solution-neutral
ii. Issues describe root causes not symptoms
iii. If you define the issues incorrectly, you are solving the wrong problems

III. Situation Analysis (Should be no more than 450 words)

What is the cause of this situation? What conclusions from your analysis led you to believe that the critical issues you identified are "critical"? What conclusions did you make about the internal and external environments of the firm that a decision maker must know in order to have a sound understanding of the critical issues, AND be sufficiently informed to make decisions about what should be done? Summarize your conclusions here. Be sure that you are summarizing CONCLUSIONS from your analysis and not simply summarising or repeating case facts.

IV. Decision Criteria

(Should be around 50 words)

What criteria will be used to decide on what to do? What does a successful outcome look like? Are there any constraints under which the decision-maker must operate? Define these in such a way that you can apply them to all options, and that they can be definitively applied. That is, make these SMART.

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Other Subject: What conclusions from your analysis led you to believe
Reference No:- TGS03347241

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