
What conclusions do you draw from observational exercise


This journal entry requires you to draw on your insights and refer to this week's discussion, where you observed others interacting in a public space. These were people you did not know. For this assignment your powers of observation are turned on you and your family members. As in the Discussion assignment, please observe body language and the situational context: For example, were the individuals seated at a meal? engaged in a discussion? watching TV "together?" Etc.

In addition, your textbook provides six forms of nonlistening. After reviewing them, think of a time when you and/or family members engaged in nonlistening (or didn't engage in listening, depending on how you look at it). Describe the situation, and what the result of the nonlistening was. What could have been done differently?

What conclusions do you draw from this observational exercise?

An "A" paper will meet the following requirements:

Paper shows a deep, thoughtful look at the writer's life and the people in it who help define self-concept.

Skillfully weaving terminology with personal observations along with the use of text/references

Paper is written at college-level (e.g., avoiding use of third person where appropriate, free of errors and clearly proofread with care, sentences are clear and concise, style is formal, formatting is appropriate, logical organization, etc).

Material is clear and well organized.

The paper covered a variety of material inside and outside of the class experience.

The paper intertwines concepts and vocabulary words from the course material, lecture, textbook, resources, etc, with your own real life. (That means your paper would have a reference page, because you're citing concepts from a least the book if not other sources.)

The paper is no less than 2 pages.

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