
What compressive stress is required at zero strain

The Imperial Ore Facility was operated by the Galactic Empire on the planet Raxus Prime. The refined ore produced Quadanium alloy from which Star Destroyers and TIE Fighters were produced. The mechanical behavior of a particular grade of Quadanium alloy was found to follow the elastic perfectly plastic model discussed in class. The elastic constant E1 was found to be 2000 GPa and (sigma)?y = 4 GPa. Plot the stress-strain graph up to a strain of 0.01. How much strain is elastic and how much is plastic? On a second plot graph unloading from 0.01 to a strain of zero. What compressive stress is required at zero strain? If the compressive stress is removed what is the permanent strain?

A new alloy is produced that shows strain hardening behavior. The initial modulus of Quadanium remains the same, but the strain hardening behavior (affected by elastic constant E2) is easily manipulated by controlling the amount of Alumabronze while alloying. How is the behavior influenced by changing E2. Produce a graph showing how the stress-strain behavior varies with changes in E2 from the perfectly plastic to perfectly elastic case.

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Mechanical Engineering: What compressive stress is required at zero strain
Reference No:- TGS0732681

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