
What competition currently exists in the market

Assignment task: You need to know a lot about the Canadian company you are addressing so that you can convince them to invest in the country you have researched. Executives are inundated with information and your sales pitch needs to capture their interest and communicate the value in what you are offering. Make your presentation unique and tailor it to your audience.

You also need to know the country you are "pitching." You've done all the research on the country already - now show it off!

  • What opportunities are presented by investing in this country and how can the company overcome any challenges that exist?
  • What competition currently exists in the market and how might the company differentiate itself?

Appeal to the clients' emotions.  Tell a story as part of your pitch.  People hate to be talked at, but they love to be engaged in a personal story. Make sure the story is relevant so that it draws a connection between the country and the company. They should be able to picture themselves in the country you are talking about.

Keep it short. Your entire pitch should last approximately 2-4 minutes, but you should cover the most important points in the first 60 seconds of your presentation.

  • Provide the name of the country.
  • Tell the client what they will gain by investing in this country.

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Other Management: What competition currently exists in the market
Reference No:- TGS03287663

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