Assignment task: Jack and Dianne's family
Jack and Dianne have been together since they were 16 years old. They have a six-year-old son, John. They live in a manufactured home on the back of Dianne's parent's property. Jack works and is a good provider for the family. Dianne's mother works long hours 5 days a week. Dianna spends every day all day at her parent's house. She cleans their home, cooks three meals a day for her parents at their home and cares for her daddy by making sure he takes his meds. Jack and John come to the parent's home to eat. John spends most days with her at her parents, while Jack spends most of his time outside, at their home watching TV alone, or at work. He used to get upset and begged Dianne to stay home and spend time with him when her mother was off, but she does not follow through because the mother does not cook and does not take care of the father on her days off. She expects Dianne to do it. The Grandparents often disregard boundaries that Jack and Dianne have set for John. John now refuses to go to school and throws temper tantrums when he does not get his way. The grandfather is sick and "can't deal with it so we just allow him to do what he wants so he doesn't do all that noise making" John has started spending more time with his friends and often is asleep when Dianne comes home. John does not like spending time with his father because the father often gets mad at him for not following rules and throwing temper tantrums. He gets in trouble and does not get his way when he throws a temper tantrum with his father. Are boundaries loose/diffuse, firm, rigid in this family? Defend your answer. Are the boundaries between different subgroups withing the family the same? Explain the differences. Are the family boundaries with the community or outside people loose/diffuse, firm, or rigid? Defend your answer. Are the boundaries permeable? Is there any flexibility in the family's boundaries? What communication or behavior patterns maintain this family's boundaries?