
What communication and collaboration skills would you use -

Handbook on developing and evaluating interagency collaboration in early childhood special program. Sacramento. CA.

California Department of Education, Special Education Division (1999).

Table 1. Handbook on family involvement in the early childhood special education (p.3).

Part 1: Collaboration Scenario

In this Application Assignment, you will have the opportunity to apply everything you have learned about communication, team building, cultural competence, and collaboration skills to a realistic scenario in the early childhood field. This scenario will challenge you to draw on the various strategies and skills from your Learning Resources and personal experiences to engage in collaboration.

Read the following Your Proposal you have been named as the executive director in charge of seeking a grand to set up a Family Literacy Center in your community.

Your community is an area where many people are from different cultural backgrounds and speak a variety of languages.

So far, all of the following organizations and people have been cooperation and voiced their support for the literacy center, local library, public and private preschools, Head Start, as well as the local college''s TESL program.

The only participants who seem to lack enthusiasm and have not been attending meetings are the families who potentially will benefit most from this program. It is vitally important that the essential to ensure that the program truly serves the needs of the community.

Part 2: Developing Your Proposal.

Examine what you have learned throughout the course about effective communication skills, intercultural communication, and collaborative skills. Think about the skills, knowledge, and disposition or effectively communicators, relationship builders, and collaborators. Then propose what you would do, as the executive director, to ensure that your grant clearly demonstrates collaboration between all of the stakeholders, especially the families in an effort to create a true Family Literacy Center.

For your proposal, write a paper that addresses how you would approach this lack of collaboration by responding to the following questions.

What communication and collaboration skills would you use?

What other tools/strategies or leadership skills might you use?

What cultural competencies might you might you draw upon to help you engage families in this process?

How might you persuade other organization to help encourage family participation.

Note: Be specific in describing the types of communication strategies and skills you would employ as well as the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that would help you engage all of the agencies to work together and build and bridge of effective collaboration with the families.

You may need to research information about Family Literacy centers to round out your plan. Be sure to cite all sources that substantiate your thinking. For your paper, draw specific examples and ideas from your Learning Resources, personal experiences and two additional resources you found on your own.

Part 3: Add communication goal.

This week, use what you have learned about team building and collaboration strategies and skills to add at least communication goal.

I need a A grade = 4.00 I am getting C''s only the professor is marking really hard. Help, help! Please cite these sources. Winer, M., & Ray, K (1994).

Collaboration handbook: Creating, sustaining, and enjoying the journey. St. Paul, MN: Fieldstone Alliance: "How do we set forth? (pp.21-41). Coleman Selden, S., Sowa, J,E, & Sandfort, J. (2006, May).

The impact of non profit collaboration in early child care and education on management and program outcomes. Public Administration Review, 66(3), 412-425.

Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business source complete database. Molloy, P., Floming, G., Rojas Rodriguez, C.,Saavedra, N., Tucker,B.,& Williams, D. L (1995). Charting progress toward collaboration.

California Department of Education. (2007).

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