
What common values does the group hold

According to Schaefer (2009, p.69), "Each culture has a unique character." Additionally, you each belong to what sociologists label subcultures, which are segments of society that share a distinctive pattern of morals, folkways, and values. Examples include people who ballroom dance, belong to a fraternity, do scrapbooking, play in a rock band, do triathlons, or collect antiques. One characteristic of a subculture is that there are insiders and outsiders. This week's Discussion Board is a chance for you to identify a subculture that you are part of (or if you cannot identify one in your own experience, describe a friend's or relative's subculture). Write 3 paragraphs describing the subculture.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

  1. What language, jargon, slang, or specialized terms are attached to your group?
  2. What common values does the group hold?
  3. What common experiences are shared that nonmembers do not experience?
  4. How does this group identity affect your individual identity?
  5. What do people (and you) get out of belonging to this subculture or group?

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