
What command would you use to terminate the first

Needs some Help with this command for Linux Operations Systems

Display the complete command that will accomplish the following actions. (ie. If you were asked to extract the second column of information from a file called "food" you would display the following: cut -f2 food (NOT just the word cut))

1. What command will start a utility that allows you to audit system performance and updates the display every minute?

2. What command allows you to determine which users have processes running on your system?

3. If you are logged in as root go ahead and log out of root and back in to your own account. Type the command to determine the PID of your Bash shell session.

4. What command allows you to run the man program with the argument df in the background?

What command can you use to record the PID of the background process you just started?

What is the process ID you recorded? What command will terminate this process? (3 points)

5. Start the following two processes in the background by executing these commands:

cat /dev/tty > /dev/null &

cat /dev/zero > /dev/null &

What command would you use to bring the second job into the foreground?

What command would you use to terminate this foreground process?

What command would you use to terminate the first background process without bringing it into the foreground to do so?

6. What command would you use to find out which libraries are linked to the /bin/znew executable program?

When you ran this command what message did you receive on the console?

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Operating System: What command would you use to terminate the first
Reference No:- TGS02876055

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