Discuss below in a 2 page and use APA format:
Styles of Patrol:
Foot Patrol
One-Officer versus Two-officer cars
Automobile Patrol
Supervising Patrol:
Watchman Style
Legalistic Style
Service Style
Which combination of patrol and supervisor style is best? (hint: you will need to define what the "goal of patrol" is, as the different styles tend to focus on different outcomes.) THE FUNCTIONS OF PATROL ARE: TO DETER CRIME, ENHANCE FEELINGS OF PUBLIC SAFETY, AND TO MAKE OFFICERS AVAILABLE FOR SERVICE.
Identify or create a program under the broken-windows model, and answer the following questions: 1) what is the problem the program is trying to address? 2) What are the policing doing about it? 3) What is the community doing about it? 4) How might it be modified to work better?