
What color is each plant explain

Wavelength of Light Plant A Plant B
350 nm Low Medium
400 nm (violet) Med Med-high
450 nm (blue) High Med-high
500 nm (green) Low High
550 nm (green) Low Med-high
600 nm (yellow) Med Med
650 nm (orange) High Low
700 nm (red) Med-low High

a. What color is each plant? Explain.
b. Leaves from each of these plants are each placed in a closed system container that has a small opening through which one can measure photosynthesis-derived oxygen production. What will the results be for each plant if light only in the 650 nm range is supplied? 500 nm range? 450 nm range? Explain. (Hint, the results would be data for action spectra.)

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Biology: What color is each plant explain
Reference No:- TGS085376

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