
What cms does your business need this will be a fully cited

The article will be titled "What CMS Does Your Business Need". This will be a fully cited, using Harvard referencing style, essay researched and authored by you, of approximately 1200 words where more is acceptable - less is not - articles of more than 1600 words or less than 1200 will be penalised.

The article will describe why you (the expert) would choose a particular Content Management System (CMS) for a small to medium business. It should:

a. Compare and contrast several CMS systems (including costing).

b. Contain a bibliography & a word count (not counting the bibliography).

Notes: You may use diagrams, pictures, graphs as desired to support your article. The bulk of the article is to be authored by YOU, an essay that is mostly quotes from other sources will be penalised.

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Dissertation: What cms does your business need this will be a fully cited
Reference No:- TGS02886182

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