
What closely held values of asian american and hispanic

Discussion 1

In what ways are marketers and merchandisers demonstrating improved cultural awareness in their campaigns and products? What has been the impact on the Asian and/or Hispanic communities?

Discussion 2

Cultural Values and Workplace Perception

What closely held values of Asian American and Hispanic American cultures might contribute to stereotyping of these groups? How might this stereotyping affect perceptions of these groups in the workplace?

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Other Subject: What closely held values of asian american and hispanic
Reference No:- TGS01039024

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Here we talked about how three distinct cultures namely American, Asian and Hispanic co-exist peacefully in US. We understood the reasons behind their co-existence and how it impacts things domestically and globally. We understood how ad campaigns today cater to different cultures and communities and how it is being used to boost the sales of products. It was also discussed how the Asian and Hispanic cultures impacts workplace and these communities too.

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