1. Give detailed information about the normal hemoglobin of infants and adults. (include the name of the hemoglobin and the chain types) You will also discuss 3 abnormal hemoglobin types. (make sure you discuss the why. and how? for the abnormal hemoglobins in terms of
a. Is it inherited or what causes this abnormality
b. Is it permanent or reversible?
c. What does the red blood cells picture look like in a patient with abnormal hemoglobin?
d. What clinical symptoms does the patient present?
e. What lab tests are done for the diagnosis of abnormal hemoglobin? 6). What treatment options are available for the patient?
2. What's in the News? Little research on Hematology in the News and reports. Make sure you include sources.
3. Discuss in detail how hemoglobin is made, and describe the hemoglobin molecule (you may include drawings or pictures).