What citizens can do to protect themselves how your agency

Assignment: Public Service Announcement

Identify a public health concern that contributes to health risks or disease. As a governmental official, prepare a public service announcement (PSA) in the form of a two-page brochure to educate the public on this concern. Remember to address the following:

A brief explanation of the concern, including a definition

How the concern impacts public health, with current statistics

What citizens can do to protect themselves

How your agency can address the concern, including measures and surveillance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - with specific items

Whom to contact for additional details (e.g., WHO, Ministry of Health), including an address and phone number.

Your brochure should meet the following structural requirements:

- Two-page brochure that includes all elements detailed above

- Conforms APA writing standards; be sure to cite any statistics or other information, as appropriate.

- References pages could be included on a separate pages or the back , to not draw away from the brochure.

- In MS Word there is an option for creating a brochure, you can use images, bulleted, lists etc, to be creative.

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Dissertation: What citizens can do to protect themselves how your agency
Reference No:- TGS02460737

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