
What characteristics differentiate a criminal offense from

Discussion 1- What characteristics differentiate a criminal offense from a civil wrong? In other words, suppose state X is considering adopting a law making conduct Y a crime. What abstract characteristics should this conduct have to justify the criminalization of the behavior? View the videos in the course content this week on social host laws. What is your opinion of laws that penalize individuals who allow minors to drink on their property? Should these "parents" face criminal punishment? Why or Why not?

Discussion 2- Locate a news story or informational web site about hate crimes, and comment on the story. How should we punish hate crime? What are the Constitutional issues with hate crime laws? Should it be a felony? Under what circumstances?

Discussion3- Read a news story about the homicide of Dr. George Tiller, the Wichita doctor who was killed in his own church. Should this offense be a federal crime, a state crime, or both? Should the offenders' pro life beliefs vis a vis the victim's activities be any kind of defense? Why or why not?

Discussion 4- Read the relevant sections on pp. 44-45 from Chapter 2 and comment in the designated forum about prosecutorial charging methods. In many jurisdictions (Missouri, for example), the State has the option of charging a defendant by a grand jury indictment or Information. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each method? What type of case would you opt for a grand jury indictment as opposed to an Information, and vice versa?

Discussion 5- Read the section about plea bargaining in Chapter 2. What is your opinion of plea bargaining? Should it be abolished or restricted? Why or why not?

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