
What characteristic of lava determines the level of

Questions -

Question 1 - Which of the following volcanoes is NOT a stratovolcano?

Mt. Rainier, Washington

Fujiyama, Japan

Mauna Loa, Hawaii

Mt. St. Helens

Question 2 - Which of the following volcanic features forms as a result of hydrothermal activity associated with hot volcanic rocks and magmas?

diatremes and calderas

lahars and cinder cones

fissure eruptions

fumaroles and geysers

Question 3 - Approximately what percentage of Earth's active volcanoes above sea level occur at convergent plate boundaries?





Question 4 - What characteristic of lava determines the level of viscosity of the lava?

amount of dissolved gases

amount of water present

amount of iron present

aluminum alloys

amount of silica present

Question 5 - Pahoehoe is the name for _______ lava that is ______ in appearance.

andesitic / jagged and rough

rhyolitic / smooth and ropy

basaltic / smooth and ropy

basaltic / jagged and rough

andesitic / smooth and ropy

Question 6 - When dissolved gas content in the magma is high,

viscosity will be very high.

the eruption is likely to be explosive.

there will be no eruption.

the temperature is probably extremely high.

Question 7 - Which statement best describes a common pattern of behavior for a caldera?

Gentle eruptions arc repeated a large number of times to form a broad volcanic structure with gently dipping sides.

Alternating eruptions of fluid basaltic lava and pyroclastic flows creating a steep sloping dome.

It is a single violent eruption that empties the magma chamber, and nothing else happens.

Eruptions empty the magma chamber which results in the collapse of the mountain, followed by doming of the floor of the crater as the magma chamber fills again.

Question 8 - The Columbia Plateau in the Pacific Northwest formed as a result of what type of volcanic process?

collapse caldera

diatreme formation

shield volcano

layering of ash flow tuffs

flood basalts

Question 9 - What plate tectonic setting is the location for the vast majority of lava produced on our planet?

subduction zones

mid-ocean ridges

hot spots

strike slip faults

Question 10 - Which two of the following correctly describe volcanoes of the "Ring of Fire'? Choose BOTH correct answers.

Most of the volcanoes around the Ring of Fire occur due to subduction zones at convergent boundaries.

Most of the Volcanoes of the Ring of Fire exist as a result of divergent boundaries and hot spots.

Most of the volcanoes around the Ring of Fire are Stratovolcanoes.

Most of the volcanoes around the Ring of Fire are shield volcanoes and cinder cones.

Question 11 - How can plate tectonics explain intraplate volcanism, where volcanoes form in areas far from plate boundaries?

Extreme gravity causes volcanoes at specific regions.

In areas where the plates don't move, heat magnifies and volcanoes form.

Earthquakes provide the heat from friction to melt magma.

Mantle plumes provide a constant source of magma at hot spots.

Question 12 - The most fluid of all lavas is the _______ lava which forms ________.

basaltic / stratovolcanoes

andesitic / stratovolcanoes

basaltic / shield volcanoes

rhyolitic / shield volcanoes

andesitic / shield volcanoes

Question 13 - Which of the following correctly describes volcanism at mid-ocean ridges? Choose TWO correct answers.

magma forms due to hot spots

mid-ocean ridges form at divergent boundaries.

magma forms as a result of subduction

mid-ocean ridges form at regions that are not plate boundaries

magma forms as a result of decompression melting.

Question 14 - Torrential flows of wet volcanic debris known as ______ can carry boulders for 20-30 km.


pyroclastic flow flank collapse

flank collapse

caldera collapse

Question 15 - Because of its location and the threat it is to the greatest number of people, the most dangerous volcano in the continguous United States is _________.

Mount Rainier

Mount Baker

Mount St. Helens

Mount Shasta

Question 16 - Which of the following is false regarding prediction of volcanic eruptions?

Before an eruption, the side or flank of a volcano may swell.

Minor earthquakes often preceed an eruption.

Volcanic eruptions can often be predicted.

Gas emissions often preceed eruptions.

Volcanic eruptions are virtually impossible to predict.

Question 17 - Which of the following are correct regarding volcanic geosystems? Choose THREE that are correct.

Magma originates in the asthenosphere.

Water pushes magma up into the vent.

Lavas erupt through a central vent and side vents.

Magma rises through the lithosphere to form a crustal magma chamber.

Heat from the lithospheric plates descends into the outer core.

Question 18 - Which of the following correctly describe Yellowstone National Park? Choose THREE correct answers

Its volcanism is due to a divergent plate boundary.

It has the biggest caldera in the US.

It will never again erupt.

It is still volcanically active.

Its volcanism is due to a hotspot.

Its volcanism is due to a convergent plate boundary.

It is no longer volcanically active.

Question 19 - Which of the following is true regarding the fissure eruption that covered much of Siberia with lava? Choose two correct answers.

It is believed to have caused major climate change.

It produced mainly rhyolitic lava.

It was caused by a caldera.

It happened at the same time as the greatest mass extinction on record.

Question 20 - Which of the following has resulted in the greatest number of fatalities caused by volcanoes since A.D.1500?




Pyroclastic Flows

Question 21 - Which of the following is NOT a natural resource produced by volcanoes?

Geothermal energy

Important industrial materials like boric acid

Exceptionally fertile soils

Atmospheric Nitrogen

Question 22 - Which of the following is false regarding types of lava?

Basaltic is usually the most fluid.lava.

Rhyolitic lava has the highest silica content and is most viscous.

Andesitic lava has an intermediate silica content.

Basaltic lava often produces explosive eruptions.

Question 23 - Volcanism can occur at all of the following location types except _________.

divergent boundary

transform fault boundary

subduction zone

hot spot

Question 24 - A volcanic landform exists that occurred from a single violent discharge. It is composed entirely of pyroclastic material. It has a steep angle of repose and a concave shape. It is most likely a

shield volcano.

cinder cone.


volcanic dome.

Question 25 - A volcanic landform exists that consists of almost entirely rhyolitic and andesitic lavas. It is a steep sided structure that can explosively erupt if its vent gets plugged.

cinder cone

shield volcano

volcanic dome


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Dissertation: What characteristic of lava determines the level of
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