
What changes to the workplace occurred following the

Assignment: Accident Victim Interview Report

Assignment Part 1 is a report of an interview with a victim of an occupational injury or illness. You are to select an individual who has suffered an occupational injury or illness that has caused them to miss at least one week of work to interview for this project. The individual may not be an immediate family member nor a classmate. Plan to spend one to two hours with this person and explain what you doing there.

Information you need to report includes, but is not limited to:

• The type of job the person was performing
• Detailed description of the events leading up to the incident (cause of accident)
• Date of the injury/illness
• Extent of injuries sustained
• Time missed from work
• Type, duration, and success level of rehabilitation
• Did incident result in OSHA visit?
• What changes to the workplace occurred following the incident?
• What changes occurred in the manner in which the individual performs his/her task now?

Individual's names and company names should be omitted unless permission is given to use them.

Your report must be typed, double-spaced, using 12 point font. Include a cover page with the course, title, your name, and the date. The report should be two to three pages in length.

Part 2.

Part 2 of your assignment is to find an accident report from a newspaper, magazine, or perhaps even an actual account of an accident in which you were involved. Take the steps from the chapter and create an incident report and investigation summary.


1. Create an incident report form. Be sure to include all important information as outlined in the text.
2. The report must be typed and include a cover page with your name, date, and course number.
3. The report and the summary should be on separate pages.
4. The report should be 1½ to 2 pages (double spaced)

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Dissertation: What changes to the workplace occurred following the
Reference No:- TGS01413659

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