
What changes in bobs decision-making situation might make a

While you are working on a large information system project for a pharmaceutical company, Bob, a newly hired production supervisor, mentions to you that he heard about decision support systems in an MBA class. He would like to have you work on him as sort of subsystem in an MBA of the larger project. As a production supervisor, Bob reports to a production manager, but he makes routine decisions about production schedules, has inputs into the purchasing of ingredients, and manages line workers. He thinks that a DSS would be helpful in supporting these functions.

a. In a paragraph, deny Bob's request for a decision support system. Provide reasons for not pursuing a DSS that would support Bob's decision-making functions

b. What changes in Bob's decision-making situation might make a DSS appropriate? Respond in paragraph

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Basic Computer Science: What changes in bobs decision-making situation might make a
Reference No:- TGS02621325

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