
What changes are likely to be made to social security


What changes do you feel are likely to be made to Social Security in the next 15 to 20 years? Why? Think of the people/organizations affected by the change, and who would support the change and who would fight it.

In general. People who are more productive earn higher incomes and thus pay higher taxes. How would a change in the immigration laws that favored more highly educated and skilled individuals affect the future tax burden of today's American college students? Would the admission of better educated immigrants tend to raise or lower the wages of American college graduates? On balance, would an overhaul of the immigration system benefit or harm today's college students?

Why do you think so many state and local governments are greatly concerned about the Federal government's allegedly lax enforcement of the immigration laws and congressional proposals to grant legal status (amnesty) to the 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States? How might an amnesty program affect the flow of future border crossings?

Explain how each of the following affects the demand for health care (that is,would it increase demand or decrease demand?): (1) physician sovereignty (the doctor controls the treatment), (2) third-party payment (health insurance), (3) defensive medicine, and (4) attitudes of patients.

Do you believe that basic medical care is a right of citizenship? Explain your answer.

Do you believe that The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) should be repealed? If not, how can it be improved? If you do believe it should be repealed, how would you replace it?

The United States currently has an "opt-in" system for organ donations from the deceased. People must explicitly choose postmortem donation ahead of time (as when they obtain their driver's license). Many other nations have "opt-out" systems: A desire to donate postmortem is presumed to exist unless an individual explicitly chooses ahead of time not to permit donation. How, if at all, would a shift to an opt-out system likely change the supply of cadaveric (postmortem) donations?

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Microeconomics: What changes are likely to be made to social security
Reference No:- TGS01821229

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