
What challenges are faced by immigrants

Problem: Listen to the Latino USA podcast episode "The Matter of Castro Tum" and rather than reading chapter 1-3, please skim through these brief chapters and more closely read sections that discuss policies and judicial case studies, see below. This week, we are studying the history of exclusionary immigration  policies, which can be dated back to the Naturalization Act of 1790 which limited citizenship to white males. Although the state did not have the technical/ political capacity to bar the numerical entry of people into this country, immigration policies related to entry, admission, residency, and naturalization were continuously restrictive until 1965 (law in writing vs law in practice). When Congress passed the Civil Right-era Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, it replaced a restrictive race-based quota system with a family reunification-based system. However, immigration restrictions persist and practices like immigration detention have dramatically grown since the 1980s. Please discuss the precariousness of refugee law, legal permanent residency, or U.S. citizenship. What challenges are faced by immigrants (and people born in the U.S. with US citizenship) who come in contact with local criminal legal systems, for example?

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Business Law and Ethics: What challenges are faced by immigrants
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