
What causes the deformity of clubfoot

Problem 1: The Lopez's newborn boy is noted to have a deformity of the feet. The pediatrician informs them that this is a condition called clubfoot (talipes equinovarus). What causes this deformity? Can it be corrected? If so what is the treatment? Could this condition have been prevented?

Problem 2: Janette Brenner is a nurse who also runs a day care center in a local community. She plans to offer an educational session on preventing poisonings in children with the parents of her day care attendees.  What are the most important points she should cover? What other safety issues are important besides talking about medication safety? What should she tell them about inducing vomiting if a child ingests a poisonous material?

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Biology: What causes the deformity of clubfoot
Reference No:- TGS03222692

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