
What cause tuberculosis

What cause tuberculosis?

Paper instructions:

Next page – Abstract. An abstract should be viewed as miniature version of the paper. Abstract should provide a brief summary of each of main sections of the paper (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion). Abstract should not exceed 250-500 words or half a page and should be designed to define clearly what is dealt with in the paper. NO page number. Tip – prepare your Abstract after the paper is written.

Next page – Table of Content. On this page all the sections (Introduction, etc.) should be listed on the left side and the corresponding page number – on the right side of the page. NO page number.

Next page – Introduction. A popular Greek philosopher stated: “A bad beginning makes a bad ending”. The purpose of the Introduction should be to supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without needing to refer to previous publications on this topic.

It should provide rationale for the present study and should state briefly and clearly your purpose in writing the paper. This is your page # 1.

Next page – Materials and Methods. In this section you state the methodology employed in this study. The main purpose of this section is to present and describe (if real experimental work) the design in details enough so other scientists can repeat/reproduce the experiments. In theoretical work like this you describe the methods and tools you have used to accomplish this paper.

Next page – Results. There are two important tips (ingredients) of this section: First, you should give an overall description of work, providing the “big picture” without repeating details given in the Introduction section. Second, you should present the data of your research. It should be presented in past tense. The results should be short and sweet, without verbiage, and simply straight to the point.

Next page – Discussion. Usually this is the hardest section to write. Try to present the principles, relationships, and generalizations shown in Result section.

And bear in mind, you discuss (in your words), you DO NOT recapitulate. Point out any exceptions, correlations, or unsettled point. Show how your work correlates and agree/not with previously published work. Don’t be shy, discuss implications of your work, and state your conclusions as clear as possible.

Next page – Conclusions.  All components of your conclusion should be as clear as possible. Summarize your evidences for each conclusion; address the primary purpose of this work. Finish it with the significance of your work, discussed or not discussed in all other sections, and do it simply.

Next page – References. There are rules to follow in this section. List only significant published references related to your topic. References should be presented in numerical-alphabetical order based on the last name of the authors. Use the name of the article, journal, year, volume, and pages from to (15-21, for example).

Citation is very important – it is recommended that you give (cite) the complete list of all references in your work, in sections you chose to be .It also must be citied in the main text.

Last section – Appendix. In this very last section of the paper you should present all forms of illustration you may choose to support and make more presentable your work. Tables, graphs, illustrations, figures, in color or black and white, are welcome and is considered as “heart, brain, and desert” of a scientific paper.

Label them (for example, Table 1…. Or Figure 1…) and cite them in the text. All of them will inform audience of the value of the work. It will convince public about the quality of the work done.

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Biology: What cause tuberculosis
Reference No:- TGS01612981

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